15, 16 and 17 November
Performance: Swarming Lounge – kondition pluriel
On Thursday 15, Friday 16 and Saturday 17 November the artist duo kondition pluriel will render a live performance in their installation Swarming Lounge. Live dancers / performers will offer you an exciting experience. Plan your visit to Robot Love and experience the thin line between the virtual and the physical world around us. Swarming Lounge is a participative, body-based, mixed-reality installation-performance grounded on an intelligent virtual environment. The interactive composition system allows visitors and dancer/performers to interact with virtual characters displayed on the audience’s smartphones.
You are invited to join the durational performances with live dancers.
Come prepared and download the Swarming Lounge app before your visit by scanning the QR code or by using the following link: http://l.ead.me/swarming

Campina Melkfabriek
Hoek: Kanaaldijk-Zuid / Hugo van der Goeslaan
5613 LE Eindhoven
Performances with live dancers:
15 November, 14.00 – 18.00
16 November, 14.00 – 18.00
17 November, 14.00 – 18.00
open during the whole exhibition period