Saturday 10 till Saturday 17 November, at GLOW
Would your love for robots go as far as putting your faith in them? What would it take for you to trust a robot’s verdict? Would you allow it to change your beliefs or steer your life choices? Have a seat and meet Astrobot, an open-source astrology oracle. By means of a personal session with Astrobot, you could find out what the future holds for you.
Astrobot is a project by Stanislavs Semjonovs and Dr. Dertien (University of Twente) and makes grateful use of the recent developments of Google AIY and the open source InMoov robot.
(only during GLOW, Brandstore Eindhoven/VVV Stationsplein)

Brandstore Eindhoven/VVV
Stationsplein Eindhoven
Saturday 10 till Saturday 17 November
Opening hours