Het werk Tickle Salon van Driessens & Verstappen is te zien (en te ervaren!) tijdens de Robot Love Expo Experience in Eindhoven. Jij kunt nu meehelpen om de streelrobot slimmer te maken!
Vindt je het prettig om gestreeld te worden of krijg je de kriebels? Kunstenaars duo Driessens & Verstappen heeft letterlijk jouw input nodig om de nieuwe streelrobot slimmer te maken. Met een EEG meten we jouw hersenactiviteit terwijl je wordt gestreeld en je geeft aan wanneer het prettig aanvoelt of juist niet. Dat is alles. De data van alle deelnemers wordt gebruikt om de robot te trainen, en dan gaat het kwastje strelen op plaatsen die je prettig vindt en vermijdt plekjes die irritatie oproepen.
Teken in voor de streeltest op vrijdag 6 juli, tussen 18:00 en 23:00 uur via rsvp@v2.nl.
[in english]
3×3: The Three of Driessens & Verstappen II
Artist duo Driessens & Verstappen will create three new experiments in the 3×3 series by the Lab for Unstable Media. This is their second 3×3 experiment, in which they will collect data to train their new tickle robot.

Tickle Salon
Do you like to be caressed or does it give you the creeps? We need your input to make Driessens & Verstappen’s new tickle robot smarter. With the help of an EEG we will measure your brain activity while you are being caressed. You indicate when it feels pleasant and when not. The combined data from all the user tests will be used to train the robot: to make it caress those places people find pleasant and avoid the places they find unpleasant.
Reserve your slot between 18h and 23h on July the 6th by sending an e-mail to rsvp@v2.nl.
Artist couple Erwin Driessens and Maria Verstappen have worked together since the early 1990s. They are interested in algorithms and processes of growth and in what it means to be human and not human. In their work, they research where these themes overlap and collide.
3×3: every first Friday of the month.
Part I: June 1, 6 – 11 p.m.
Part II: July 6, 6 – 11 p.m.
Part III: August 3, 6 – 11 p.m.
Free entrance! This event is part of the Kunstavond.
Experiments are an essential part of every art practice. Even more than the end results, experiments, bèta versions and try-outs offer an inside look on how an artist thinks and works. Therefore, the experiment is made central in 3×3. V2_ offers three artists the space, time and resources to develop three experiments. Every first Friday evening of the month the public can witness one of these experiments live. A unique experience, since no one knows what these experiments will lead to…
Every Friday the Kunstblock art venues in the Witte de Withkwartier are open in the evening. Visit MAMA, TENT, WORM, V2_, Lab for the Unstable Media, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art and CBK Rotterdam’s collection of art in the public space. Click here for the programme.
Entrance fee
Free/donation. Reserve your slot between 18h and 23h on July the 6th by sending an e-mail to rsvp@v2.nl